"Comic perfection, one pixel at a time."

Adventure 4: Rock, Rock on!

Scurvy Dogs 86

Red decides to root through the ship and see what interesting stuff she can stea.....um...find, yeah, that's it. Going through Gilbert's stuff, she finds ?Orthopedic Underwear?. And then scavenging Pooky's, Stu's, and Squeekipeep's belongings, she doesn't see any underwear or much in the way of clothes at all. In Warchef's things she finds ?Makeshift Loincloth?.



Meet the Characters

meet the charactersMeet Chris, Billy, Eis, Derek, and all the other characters

Eis' Hero Guide

eis hero guideSince Eis is such a superb hero, he's giving out lessons.

Fortune Cookies

“You will soon witness a miracle.”
Spam will be made with quality meat!


rpg gameSeven great heroes quested to defeat evil... they all died

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