"Comic perfection, one pixel at a time."

Team Kinkajou

Kinkajou 30


"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
Save this moogle's life!
Bring him from eternal bliss
back to this world of strife!"
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
I know you've got lots of smarts!
Just remember the enemy's over there;
Don't hit the moogle with hearts!"


Kinkajou 24

Apparently Nutty and Sparky are too fatigued to fight right now because they stand there and watch.
The Blue Screen of Death tries to use System Failure on Bob, but an error occurs in his BIOS and he crashes.
Under Maintenance tries attacking Nutty, but he is too injured for his program to function properly.
Bob then uses his ?Swedish Kung-Fu? (also known as drunken brawling) to attack Under Maintenance, whom he permanently deactivates.
Lastly, Pooky uses the Power of Wuv and Fwendship to try to revive Red.


Meet the Characters

meet the charactersMeet Chris, Billy, Eis, Derek, and all the other characters

Eis' Hero Guide

eis hero guideSince Eis is such a superb hero, he's giving out lessons.

Fortune Cookies

“You will soon witness a miracle.”
Spam will be made with quality meat!


rpg gameSeven great heroes quested to defeat evil... they all died

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