"Comic perfection, one pixel at a time."

Adventure 6: Have a Heart

Scurvy Dogs 215

Pooky surveys the wounded around him.  He decides to help them back to health before they head out to the portal.
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
Yeah, it's me again.
We thank you for your help before
To save our Heartless friend!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
Though now we're out of danger,
We need some healing to restore feeling
'fore we head to locales stranger!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!

Scurvy Dogs 211

Pooky decides that this corruption has gone on too far. He calls upon the Power of Wuv and Fwendship to break through the Heartless exterior and emerge the Squeek inside.
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
Wherefore art our Squeeks?
He's stuck inside this monstrous hide,
And man, it really reeks!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
We pray you take this mission:
Restore his soul!  This is our goal!
Free him from his condition!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
We don't want him to be


Meet the Characters

meet the charactersMeet Chris, Billy, Eis, Derek, and all the other characters

Eis' Hero Guide

eis hero guideSince Eis is such a superb hero, he's giving out lessons.

Fortune Cookies

“You will soon witness a miracle.”
Spam will be made with quality meat!


rpg gameSeven great heroes quested to defeat evil... they all died

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