Scurvy Dogs
Scurvy Dogs 528
Scurvy Dogs 527
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"Only Wuv and Fwendship can defeat this rodential evil."
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
Please hear out my cry!
This evil bun wants us undone
And wants us all to fry!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
I stand firm this hour
And ask your help to make him yelp
By channeling your power!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
Through me, your power send!
Destroy this hare through my red stare!
Help bring this to an end!"
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Scurvy Dogs 520
Meet the Characters
Meet Chris, Billy, Eis, Derek, and all the other characters
Eis' Hero Guide
Since Eis is such a superb hero, he's giving out lessons.
Fortune Cookies
“You will soon witness a miracle.”
Spam will be made with quality meat!
Seven great heroes quested to defeat evil... they all died