"Comic perfection, one pixel at a time."

Kinkajou 8


Charredmander: (I was the one who burned down the village. I was ordered to do so by my master, the Grande Monster. He also is the one responsible for the meteors raining down lately. But if you want to find him, I can't help you. I receive all my orders from the Lag Demon. I'd like to see you try to fight him. You won't stand a chance.)


Meet the Characters

meet the charactersMeet Chris, Billy, Eis, Derek, and all the other characters

Eis' Hero Guide

eis hero guideSince Eis is such a superb hero, he's giving out lessons.

Fortune Cookies

“You will soon witness a miracle.”
Spam will be made with quality meat!


rpg gameSeven great heroes quested to defeat evil... they all died

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