"Comic perfection, one pixel at a time."

Team Mongoose

Mongoose 30

Red uses her Mustang Gloves but doesn't hit anything.
The Boy screams like a girl for help, and Sam jumps off the cliff to save him.
Derrek spawns Suicidal Tendencies, who also dives off the cliff.

Mongoose 29

Pooky uses Care Hare Stare on Bluish and badly injures him.
Purple tries biting Von but misses.
Bob takes a swing at Beige with his sword and skins his hide some.
Alice commands her mutant guinea pig to attack Gray. It misses.
Gray tries attacking Pooky but also misses.
Bluish bites the Boy but hits a metal button on his clothes and chips a tooth.
Redish claws Bob but his claws need sharpening.
Vomit hits Bob. However, a softly rolling tumbleweed could have done more damage.
Beige attacks Von, but Von is too hopped up on drugs to notice.

Mongoose 25


"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
Our foe is really tall!
Make us as big as this monster,
Or make him really small!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
If that's not your desire,
Then expose on him his weakest spot
And we'll make our foe expire!
"Power of Wuv and Fwendship!
If we're too weak to fight,
Then call upon the bunny of old,
And unleash all his might!"



Meet the Characters

meet the charactersMeet Chris, Billy, Eis, Derek, and all the other characters

Eis' Hero Guide

eis hero guideSince Eis is such a superb hero, he's giving out lessons.

Fortune Cookies

“You will soon witness a miracle.”
Spam will be made with quality meat!


rpg gameSeven great heroes quested to defeat evil... they all died

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